Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Strangers they are all…
How I love strangers!!
And how I hate them…
Wish I could abate them…
The tussle of the lonely hour,
The juggle of the bustle,
Captured in the labyrinths,
Thoughts eager to jostle.

A fake smile is all I can do for you today,
An empty heart you’ll find dismayed…
There are no ties for me, except my own mind.
It runs too wild, leaving me behind.
Love I don’t deserve, until I find love in self.
Yet frittering away myself for want of pelf.

I don’t know when the fight begun,
I don’t know when I joined the run.
But solitude is my only weapon and field.
Deception my disguise and shield!
I don’t know when this cloak I’ll shun…
And when will end this marathon!

A foot against another I’ll keep.
No more delusions I’ll allow to seep…
The beauty and love I want to see
I will first make its haven in me
Don’t see me as I seem to be…
Don’t try to be my canopy…
The maze is mine and I will know,
How will I have to end the show!

So strangers you will all remain,
And loving life I will maintain.
No zone of comfort I will seek,
No secure ground will make me meek.
The challenge of becoming whole…
Being the mark of an ambitious soul,
And when everything to my self I’ll turn,
I’ll know I fumbled and I learned.

Now the seeking has begun,
To first be and then become,
I seek nor seeking nor the sought,
No more wallowing in traps of thought
In love’s reverence,
I’ll find my existence.
And find me in everything,
And everything in myself!

“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.”

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